How to Clean Shoes in a Washing Machine
Sometimes, cleaning shoes may sound a bit of a chore, but little do people know there is an easy way out using the washing machine. It is not just clothes that the washing machines clean; even the shoes come out as if new. This will save you from investing much time and effort if you are living a busy life in Dubai. How to wash your shoes in the washing machine: A step-by-step guide.
Is it safe to machine wash shoes?
Not everyone thinks about that, though—most of us wonder if it is safe to just throw them into the washing machine. Thankfully, for all types of shoes, the answer can be yes: generally, sneakers, canvas shoes, and fabric shoes are machine washable. Never in your life throw leather or suede shoes into the washing machine, because water will destroy them, but check on the label or care instructions just in case. Washing machines are ideal for giving a deep clean to your shoes, but you have to prepare them so that you don’t end up damaging them in the process.
Preparing Your Shoes for a Wash
First, you have to prepare your shoes for a wash. Remove laces and insoles from your shoes. While laces may easily twist in the wash process, insoles get corrupted.Next, get the dust or mud in your shoes off with a soft-bristled brush. Even an old toothbrush would suffice. This way, it would be very easy for the machine to do its job and clean everything properly. When this part is ready, take your shoes on to the next step.
Choosing the Correct Setting on the Washing Machine
This is very important as you choose settings on the washing machine. You are always going for either a “Gentle” or “Delicate” cycle since you wouldn’t want to destroy your shoes.Use cold water instead of resorting to the usage of hot water because hot water weakens the glue in your shoes. Add into the machine small liquid detergent. Liquid detergent is still recommended because powdered detergent does not usually get dissolved, sometimes they appear as white marks on your shoes.
Which Shoes Can Be Washed in the Washing Machine?
Not all of them go under the machine, and that is quite good to make a difference among them. Sneakers, canvas shoes, or generally all fabric-based shoes are good to go for machine washing, while leather, suede, and delicate ones should never be washed on a machine; professional services are a better way out, just like in Shoe Cleaning Dubai First and foremost, before putting your shoes into the washing machine to clean them, make sure they are machine washable. A care label will give reasons for this or otherwise
Laundry Bag Protection
Place the shoes in one laundry bag to protect them while in the washer. A laundry bag is primarily something to cushion your pairs in case of bumping excessively inside the washer. If you don’t have a laundry bag, any pillowcase will do, just securing it tightly. This little protection supports your shoes during the wash cycles. It is also capable of reducing the impact by cleaning the shoes using a few towels, hence making it easy.
How to Dry Your Shoes after Washing them
Once the machine is done cleaning your shoes, you will be required to dry them appropriately. Do not put them in a dryer as heat will make them burn. Allow them to air dry.Stuffing them with clean towels or newspaper will help the shoes hold their shape and can speed up the drying process a little.Put them in a well-ventilated area, never under direct sunlight, because it will make the colors of the shoes fade. It is a much safer way, but this procedure effectively dries up your shoes entirely.
Why Wash Shoes in a Washing Machine?
This facility for washing shoes in the machine is very easy and time-saving; quite handy when one has more pairs to dry cleaners The machine cleans the depth, leaving no traces of dirt, stains, or odors. As compared to the hand washing method, the work will involve lesser efforts in this method. For those in Dubai who had been tight-scheduled, it will be the avenue to their escape—just throw them into washing machines.In this way, your shoes will be fresh, and this doesn’t consume much of your precious time either. .
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Otherwise, here are some basic mistakes you should avoid when machine washing your shoes: irrelevant would be not avoiding hot water, which will surely play with the adhesives to have your shoes fall apart in no time; not brushing the shoes from some loose dirt right before placing them in the washer, which might make the mess get inside; and overloading the washing machine. This will also happen in case you are cleaning too many pieces altogether and your shoes are not getting a proper clean.
How to Keep Your Shoes Clean Longer
Following is how you can retain the same shoes for an extra-longer period, just cover them with a protecting spray when you wash them. It keeps them away from water and dirt, and one coating makes them fresh for days. Place your shoes in a clean and dry place. If you fall, your foot accidentally in mud or get your foot wet accidentally clean the area immediately to keep discoloration and stains away. Good care of the shoes will minimize how often you will be washing your shoes.
Why Professional Cleaning?
Although that might not be easy, washing them in a machine does different shoes call for professional cleaning. These types of services will ensure everything gets cleaned, right from leather to suede to special care. As a matter of fact, a professional cleaner will use the right product and methods of cleaning it so as to make the shoes clean without ruining them. That would be even safer; much better, when in very expensive or fragile material shoes, and seeking professional cleaners’ services will be wiser.
Delicate Shoes Care
Delicate shoes, including leather or suede, cannot go in the washing machine and require special care. To clean delicate shoes, merely use a wet rag to wipe them down or use a suede brush on them. Conditioning using leather cleaner or conditioner will keep the leather soft and shiny. Allow the hard stains and deep cleaning to be handled by the expert cleaners. Delicate shoes require more care and should not be used like other ordinary pairs of shoes; they get ruined.
Do Washing Machines Remove Odors?
Another great feature, with the use of the goodness of a shoe washing machine, is their deodorizing feature. The build-up of all the dirt and sweat, proliferation of bacteria, makes your shoes smell not-so-good; machine washing removes these altogether. You can just add a little vinegar or baking soda in addition to detergent for smell removal. Once your shoes get cleaned and dried, they will smell fresh again and will be very comfortable to wear.
Now How Often Should One Wash His Shoes
Basically, it’s all dependent upon how much your one shoe runs from here and there. Mainly, the activities that you would run with your pair of shoes are general. In most cases, regularly used sneakers would require cleaning once after every few weeks as a rule for their care and maintenance. Still, if frequent smelly happenings or any instances when frequent contact with mud would require more quick cleanings in that case also.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can leather footwear be washed on a washing machine?
No, leather shoes should not be washed on a washing machine because they have specific cleaning modes as machines can destroy them.
Can bleach be used in washing the shoes?
Avoid using bleach, for it might discolor your shoes. Just use any mild detergent to clean them safely.
Can I wash a number of shoes at once?
One can, but make sure you are not overloading the washing machine. Use towels to balance the load.
It is rather easy and effective to clean shoes in the washing machine, as it keeps them fresh and clean, provided one prepares them correctly and sets and dries them accordingly. Not all pairs of shoes can be machine-washed, and one has to know when this option of professional cleaning service is required, such as professional shoe cleaning Dubai, especially for very sensitive materials. If you take good care of your shoes, they will not only last but also look great at any time.